Kelle Bryan
Kelle Bryan was born in East London and was sure of her future in entertainment when she won a junior Miss World competition at the age of 2 years old.
At 11 years of age, Kelle joined the prestigious Italia Conti Scool where she completed 8 years of performaing arts and also qualified as a dance teacher.
Kelle, and her schoolmate Louise Redknapp met Denis Ingoldby, a music producer, who was in the throws of forming a girl band. Kelle and Louise auditioned, and they became part of a band that later became "Eternal", Britian's most successful R & B group of all time achieving 15 top 15 hits, several Brit Award nominations, as well as MOBO's, Smash Hits and Britannia Music Awards. The Band had over 9 million album sales and 4 world tours.
Kelle then moved on and had her own solo top 15 hit and presented her own music show.
Kelle contracted the diease Lupus, which took her life into a totally different direction. Kelle returned to her roots of acting and appeared in Eastenders and the Bill as well completing work on her first film "The Virus" (Chris Holden Films).
Recently Kelle has appeared in several TV shows, including "The Big Re-Union", "Mr & Mrs" and "The Chase" and "Flockstars". Kelle is currently a regular on the TV soap "Hollyoaks"
Kelle takes an evening with an interviewer, and tells of the tremendous highs and lows of her life and of how God has helped her cope with the life threatning disease of Lupus.